After that rampant Marc Jacobs marriage rumor that made major Internet waves last month, we finally have confirmation that it didn't happen. In The New Yorker's Sept. 1 issue, Ariel Levy's profile of Marc bluntly states: "Last month, Page Six misreported that Jacobs had married Martone." So, no marriage, but there is plenty of other insight to be had about Marc's relationship with Lorenzo Martone, his new "addiction," and all that attention he's been getting.
Lorenzo was upset about all the tabloid coverage their relationship gets; Marc told him to "man up" and ignore it.
"Last Tuesday, [Page Six] had me making out with my ex-boyfriend Jason Preston at Pastis and bad-mouthing someone I went out with for four days. Well, first of all, I did not bad-mouth the person I went out with for four days, second of all I was not getting back together with Jason Preston, and, fourth—or first!—of all, I wasn't even in the city of New York on that Saturday! I was in Paris, France. My current boyfriend said, 'Marc, you know I don't believe it, but so many people have asked me about it.' I was, like, 'You put me on a plane Friday night! How can you be listening to this?'"
Instead of cocaine or alcohol, the gym has become Marc's addiction.
"Everything is beautiful at the gym, everyone looks amazing. You just think it's like one big healthy circus going on out there: the bodies are great, people are jolly, and, even when they're complaining about how strenuous it is, there's, like, a kind of very good, positive, we're-all-doing-something-good-for-ourselves . . . And it's two and a half hours that I'm not smoking. I am a true addict in that whatever makes me feel good I want more of, whether it's good for me or not."